Oakland Business Improvement District (OBID)

Organizational Development and Strategic Plan

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The Oakland Business Improvement District in Pittsburgh, PA partnered with BDS to develop a five-year Strategic Plan for how innovation emerges and anchors a district. BDS designed and executed a comprehensive strategic planning process to significantly reimagine the organization and reposition it to better manage the expected dramatic growth of Pittsburgh’s Innovation District. Through a broad and inclusive process, the bold and visionary effort helped to build and sustain excitement and engagement in the neighborhood as it undergoes transformative change.

Using its national expertise in business improvement districts and place management, BDS conducted research and shared best practices from peer organizations that are leveraging the presence of major academic and healthcare institutions to anchor districts managed by public-private partnerships. BDS researched, proposed, and coordinated virtual “peer visits” for local Pittsburgh stakeholders.

Working iteratively with leadership from key institutional partners, BDS developed support for a major expansion of the OBID’s role and financial support to expand staff capacity. With broad support from ratepayers, institutions, City staff, and local electeds, the OBID strategic plan calls for major changes, including doubling the organization’s annual budget and a major expansion of new full-time professional staff roles to support its newly expanded mandate.

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