
City of Lewiston

Lewiston Downtown Master Plan

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BDS, in association with Welch-Comer Engineers and E.D.Hovee & Company have completed a master plan for downtown Lewiston, Idaho. The process included analysis and recommendations related to the economic ecosystem, physical and built environment, neighborhood livability, and cultural placemaking. Downtown Lewiston enjoys a stunning riverfront setting at the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater Rivers, but the commercial core was disconnected from these natural assets by dikes, railroad spurs, and inactive industrial sites.                                                                          

Downtown also enjoys proximity to St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center, Lewis Clark State College, and the city’s oldest neighborhoods as economic engines, but was disconnected again due to a 90’ bluff. The bluff offers spectacular views, but makes pedestrian and bicycle access problematic.                                              

The BDS Team engaged more than 100 downtown stakeholders in alternative and preferred scenarios for physical improvements, residential development, transportation and infrastructure investments, as well as leadership and implementation strategies. The final Master Plan was approved by the City Council in 2019.

As a follow-up to Lewiston's Downtown Master Plan, BDS Planning worked with Beautiful Downtown Lewiston and the City of Lewiston to create a Business Improvement District to fund ongoing downtown revitalization activities. Downtown property owners are now pooling their resources to fund downtown management, marketing, development planning, and advocacy for downtown.  The BID passed Lewiston City Council in September 2020.


“I’m really grateful for you and your coaching. In every way, you’ve been a mentor, cheerleader, and insightful advisor. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you.” ~ Courtney Kramer, Executive Director, Beautiful Downtown Lewiston

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