Urban Design led an effort with CBE Strategic, IXP Corporation, and ECONorthwest in 2017 to develop a Strategic Plan that addresses priorities for the regional portions of the King County E-911 System and will help to guide the ongoing process for decision making, funding, and implementing the identified priorities over the next decade.
This important and complex process was designed and led by BDS. It involved more than 70 stakeholders, including a Leadership Group, Planning Group, and three task forces that provided subject area expertise in governance, technology & operations, and finance. Stakeholders included executives from large and small Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs), King County & Seattle City Councils, and the Seattle Police Department, among many others.
With the assistance of the task forces, the Leadership Group and the Planning group identified priorities for a new governance structure, a technology investment strategy, and a 10-year sustainable financial plan. These include a restructuring of the Governing Board so that each PSAP will have one vote, an effort to integrate the regional 9-1-1 system with the statewide system, and implementing measures to operate in a more cost-effective manner.
The Strategic Plan was completed in December 2017 and approved by the King County Council in early 2018.