Downtowns & Place Management Districts

Ballard Alliance

Ballard Alliance - BIA Formation & Strategic Planning

Project Details

Uncommon Bridges helped reinvent the Ballard Chamber of Commerce into a much more inclusive, effective, and influential collaboration among businesses, residents, and property owners, known as the Ballard Alliance in 2012-14. We supported the Alliance in the creation of a Business Improvement Area to provide stable and sustainable funding that balances the organization’s event management capacity. The BIA provides a stable funding mechanism for the partnership and provides cleaning, safety, and mental health outreach services throughout the district.

Our team also conducted a racial equity in urban place management training for the Alliance board and staff in 2021.

We continue our support for the Alliance to this day, most recently leading the members through a process to create a strategic plan in 2022.

Ballard Alliance Strategic Plan from 2022-2026

*This work was initially performed as BDS Planning & Urban Design.

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